b'2KensWelcomeThe last year has seen an incredible 50% growth in turnover, as well as the delivery ofsomeofthebiggestandhighest specification jobs weve ever done.Manyoftheseprojectswevedelivered fromtheveryearlyconceptanddesign stages,throughtheredtapeofplanning permission,buildingregulationsand structural calculations, and then on to fully projectmanagingthebuildfromdigging footings todecorationandcleaning,right up to the point of customers being able to simply move furniture in!R E M M U S / 9 1 It was one thing to set such a high bar for us to step up to, but quite another to achieve so many of those intended goals.Weve felt the enormity of delivering this much higher R 0E 2 turnover,andalsomaintainingthehigh T -TE N quality of finish and great customer service L OS IW E N T I D E wereknownfor.Thishasrequiredthe management of many more staff, requiring moreplanning,infrastructure,aswellas some considerable investment.Managing the operational changes has been in some ways a bit of a baptism of fire, and on reflection - one that Im immensely proud of in terms of how our staff have responded and risen to the challenge in such a positive way. They really are a great team!Theressuchalotthatwearedelighted with - a slight glimpse of which is contained inthefollowingpages.Welookforward toworkingcloselywithourcustomers onhomeimprovementsorhelpingthem achievetheirdreamsbyexpandingtheir living space.KenGrayson KEN GRAYSONCEO - PENINSULA'